Assembly Language

This web page examines program control instructions in assembly language. Specific examples of instructions from various processors are used to illustrate the general nature of assembly language.

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program control

Program control instructions change or modify the flow of a program.

The most basic kind of program control is the unconditional branch or unconditional jump. Branch is usually an indication of a short change relative to the current program counter. Jump is usually an indication of a change in program counter that is not directly related to the current program counter (such as a jump to an absolute memory location or a jump using a dynamic or static table), and is often free of distance limits from the current program counter.

The pentultimate kind of program control is the conditional branch or conditional jump. This gives computers their ability to make decisions and implement both loops and algorithms beyond simple formulas.

Most computers have some kind of instructions for subroutine call and return from subroutines.

There are often instructions for saving and restoring part or all of the processor state before and after subroutine calls. Some kinds of subroutine or return instructions will include some kinds of save and restore of the processor state.

Even if there are no explicit hardware instructions for subroutine calls and returns, subroutines can be implemented using jumps (saving the return address in a register or memory location for the return jump). Even if there is no hardware support for saving the processor state as a group, most (if not all) of the processor state can be saved and restored one item at a time.

NOP, or no operation, takes up the space of the smallest possible instruction and causes no change in the processor state other than an advancement of the program counter and any time related changes. It can be used to synchronize timing (at least crudely). It is often used during development cycles to temporarily or permanently wipe out a series of instructions without having to reassemble the surrounding code.

Stop or halt instructions bring the processor to an orderly halt, remaining in an idle state until restarted by interrupt, trace, reset, or external action.

Reset instructions reset the processor. This may include any or all of: setting registers to an initial value, setting the program counter to a standard starting location (restarting the computer), clearing or setting interrupts, and sending a reset signal to external devices.

condition codes

Condition codes are the list of possible conditions that can be tested during conditional instructions. Typical conditional instructions include: conditional branches, conditional jumps, and conditional subroutine calls. Some processors have a few additional data related conditional instructions, and some processors make every instruction conditional. Not all condition codes available for a processor will be implemented for every conditional instruction.

Zero is mathematically neither positive nor negative, but for processor condition codes, most processors treat zero as either a positive or a negative numbers. Processors that treat zero as a positive number include the Motorola 680x0 and Motorola 68300.

Digital Equipment Corporation’s “VAX Architecture Reference Manual” gives the following example of the CASE instruction using the VAX PASCAL compiler (quoted under the fair use doctrine):

casel i, #32,
1$: .word sin - 1$ ; Selector is 32.
.word cos - 1$ ; Selector is 33.
.word exp - 1$ ; Selector is 34.
.word ln - 1$ ; Selector is 35.
.word arctanh - 1$ ; Selector is 36.
.word arctanh - 1$ ; Selector is 37.
movl reserved, x ; Selector is less than.
; 32 or greater than 37

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