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Community Links Search Forums Go to Page.I started building this plane in 1989.. I got the fuse and wing mostly built and went on to other things for the next 15 years..
We pulled it out of the attic last year and it's been sitting on the shelf since then..
I think it's time the old bird gets a chance to fly.
I have a Fiberglass Specialties Cowl but the wheel pants got lost somewhere along the way..
I have a few choices to make.. One is the engine..
I have 3 to pick from..
OS FS 61 four stroke
OS FP 40
Saito FA-45 MK II (maybe a little to small for this plane)
It was built for a single aileron servo.. I may convert it to dual in wing servos if I can hide them.
If anyone has any tips for mounting the windscreen that would be great..
It will be covered with polyester dress liner attached with polycryllic, latex or rustolium flat for color and topped with WBPU
Color scheme and whatever scale details I pick will be modeled after this Citabria at a local airport
Does anyone know where I can find one the old cockpit kits they sold for the 40 Citabria?
I'll take pics before we get rolling.. I only get a few hours build time in a week so we'll be going slow.
I built this kit several years ago, powered it with a TT 42, which was far more than enough engine for this plane. The single aileron servo works perfectly well and helps keep a more scale appearance without the aileron linkage hanging out in the breeze. It is a gentle aerobatic flyer, however unforgiving of careless piloting. Key recommendation: accelerate to take off s-l-o-w-l-y. Learn to take off like the full scale plane does, a very gradual roll out untill the wing is flying. Rudder is strong, suggest 50% expo. I flew mine for less than a season before someone bought it from me. It was fun to build and to fly.
08-24-2007, 10:29 AMSSCHERIN, I have built two of these over the years and both have flown scale like with the Saito 45 you have. It is a very light kit when finished. I had the Cowl and the wheel pants just like you, though I did take the pants off for grass field flying.
I mounted two Hitec wing servos iin the last build, made for a real easy aileron set up and for grins added flaparons via Airtronics RD8000. Talk about slowing down
I made several copies of the windscreen design making each a little bit larger as I went till I got a good fit. Carfully glued and small screwed the windscreen to the frame. Thin soft plastic was the trick, plus the slightly larger size.
08-24-2007, 11:48 PM Senior Member Thread Starter My Feedback: (1) Join Date: Aug 2005 Location: Eugene, Or Posts: 1,152 Received 0 Likes on 0 Posts RE: Bud Nosen 40 Citabria BuildThanks for the tips guys..
I'm not to far along.. I could add flaps with some minor surgery. Something to think about.
I'd setup the ailerons using red golden rods. I think it would be easy to keep the sleeves and use them for running the servo wiring.
I'd mount the servos flat under an access panel with just the rod going out to a small control horn. I'd have to see how it'll all fit first.
You are right.. It's a light airframe with a big flat wing.. I think I'll give the Saito a shot..
Worst case I can always get an FA-56,FA-72 or even an FA-82 if I feel the need for more power and keep the same mounts.
How did the FA-45 fit in the cowel? any cutting required?
What did you use for a fuel tank? an 8oz should be plenty for a little 4 stroke.
It appears to be right on 1/6 scale.. The 12" GI Joe's would make a good pilot.
I took a picture tonight with my cell phone.. sorry about the quality..
I'll stick to the Pentax K100D in the future.
Anyone think the Landing gear is to short?
I'd like to swing an APC 12.5x3.75 but I'm not sure it'll clear.
8 Oz tank is more than enough. I mounted the first sideways an cut the cowl on the right. For the second i mounted inverted and it loohs very scale. The landing gear is soft so if you can find a commerical one that fits I would suggest using it. While the golden rod system works great as mentioned, it sure is a lot eaiser to use double servos.
Flaps really aren't needed other than to look cool, another reason for dual servos.
I agree of the takeoff roll, slowly add power and fly her off the ground. Punch it and you are in for a thrill ride, GI Joe will be sick for sure.
08-25-2007, 11:57 AM Senior Member Thread Starter My Feedback: (1) Join Date: Aug 2005 Location: Eugene, Or Posts: 1,152 Received 0 Likes on 0 Posts RE: Bud Nosen 40 Citabria BuildYeah I was seeing how the cowl fit last night and it looks like inverted is the way to go..
I'll need to make a new exhaust pipe or get the flexi pipe but that isn't a big deal..
The exhaust cut out on the bottom of the cowl provides a clear shot at the glow plug so I shouldn't have to drill or cut any holes.
My kit never had any gear.. The gear I have on it is a commercial set I had on my first trainer..
They are tough and will take a good bounce without bending.
Get a remote plug, saves a lot of headache, small hole and you are done.
Good on the gear, mine would bend if you looked at it hard.
08-25-2007, 05:14 PMI wouldn't add flaps. I don't believe the full scale Citabria has flaps, so keep it scale like. Just MO.
I am currently building the Sig Citabria. Very scale like, no flaps, just ailerons.
08-25-2007, 05:18 PMI built two of them. both flew great - but I don't think I ever really 'finished' either one - they are 'builders' to say the least!
08-25-2007, 11:38 PM Senior Member Thread Starter My Feedback: (1) Join Date: Aug 2005 Location: Eugene, Or Posts: 1,152 Received 0 Likes on 0 Posts RE: Bud Nosen 40 Citabria BuildYeah.. you know it's a builders kit when you see " carve 4x4x1/2" block to fit" in the instructions..
I'm a little torn on what to do with the wing.. I'd like to put in the wing skylight but then it's a big hole in the fiberglassing (loss of strength and goes right where the golden rods tubes end..
I found the spinner to use.. the plans call for 1 1/2"
Tru-turn makes one and will do custom slotting for the 12.25x3.75 APC prop.
I have the wheel pants from Stan's and for the cost of shipping you can have them. I did not use them, so are original Fiberglass in the raw.
To do the Skylight you have to plan way in advance and use a wing tube for strength. Another reason for servos in the wing.
08-28-2007, 07:01 PM Senior Member Thread Starter My Feedback: (1) Join Date: Aug 2005 Location: Eugene, Or Posts: 1,152 Received 0 Likes on 0 Posts RE: Bud Nosen 40 Citabria BuildHey I got something done today..
I dusted off my old hand plane and finished a job I started about 15 years ago..
I finished shaping the leading edge and wing tips..
I like using the hand plane to rough out the shape because there's no balsa dust.
OK there is a little dust. Final shaping is still done with a sanding block.
more as I find time.
Attached Thumbnails 09-05-2007, 11:56 AM Senior Member Thread Starter My Feedback: (1) Join Date: Aug 2005 Location: Eugene, Or Posts: 1,152 Received 0 Likes on 0 Posts RE: Bud Nosen 40 Citabria BuildI got the Pants from JimO. I think they will look great.. Thanks again Jim!!
I found the motor mount I used 15 years ago and started test mounting the Saito FA-45 and cowl.
It's looking good but the drive hub is just a hair short of clearing the cowl. The rocker covers are hitting the cowl.
I really don't want to cut the cowl so I'm wondering if I can make a 1/8" spacer to move the spinner and prop out enough to clear.
I built one about in 88, is there any way of getting a copy of those plans? I would like to build one again. I would pay for them. I have been looking for plans for a while. thank you Andy
09-05-2007, 05:58 PM Senior Member Thread Starter My Feedback: (1) Join Date: Aug 2005 Location: Eugene, Or Posts: 1,152 Received 0 Likes on 0 Posts RE: Bud Nosen 40 Citabria BuildMy plans are in bad shape.. I'll try it if nobody else turns up with a set.
Anyone know who bought out Nosen's plans?
09-05-2007, 08:12 PM Senior Member Join Date: Sep 2007 Location: Strathmore, CA Posts: 1,247 Received 0 Likes on 0 Posts RE: Bud Nosen 40 Citabria BuildI could get by with a wing cross section. done with a regular photo copier but I do need the tail and fusalage sheet. anything would help thank you. Andy
09-06-2007, 03:38 PMAndy, I think I have two sets if so will send on on to you.
Will look tonight and let you know. Send me a PM with your address info.
The following users liked this post: 09-06-2007, 03:51 PMDid you try inverted on the engine. Looks real clean when finished. Use a remote glow plug and fuel dot and you are set.
09-07-2007, 09:17 AM Senior Member Thread Starter My Feedback: (1) Join Date: Aug 2005 Location: Eugene, Or Posts: 1,152 Received 0 Likes on 0 Posts RE: Bud Nosen 40 Citabria BuildYeah.. the motor is inverted.. It's about the only way to go..
Where did you mount the remote glow and fuel dot?
The last few days I've mostly been fiddling around with the engine and exhaust setup..
It's like I'm avoiding setting up the servos or something..
I bent up some 3/8" tubing for an exhaust pipe. I think it'll work out great.. More so than a flex pipe anyway.
I'll post some pics when I find some time.
For the engine I need to drill the motor mount, mount a fuel tank and run a push rod for the throttle.
The wing needs more work.. I need to pick where I'll mount the servos.. Either inboard using the gold-n-rods or out in the wings.
If I do go out on the wings all I want to see is the arm and linkage..
Skylights are out..
I need to setup the wing bolt blocks
Finish the sheeting and cap strips after the servos are setup.
shape and hinge the right aileron and re-hinge the left.
Glass the center of the wing.
Find axles for my LG
Mount the CB Tailwheel
mount the cowl
setup control horns and pushrods
install servos
install windscreen
make the side windows
It's not such a big list really